Russia is not USSR

Listen to me. No,read this.ow,U read this yet.
Anyway,U both stop childish attitude,Russia and USA
Now is 21th century(a fox is still 20th century).I think u r satisfied with ur own.Don't look through things with the magic crystal named profit.Stand up on the conclete morals,look with naked eyes.
I don't know y u wanna use the words such 'economic sanctions','armed intervention'.I think u need 2 masterbation with arm and calm down,before u'll say so.

Dear Russia,
If u r correct,u can announce the voices of Crimean's and Ukreine's clearly.
U have great 'Cyrillic alphabet' root of the koine greek(New Testament Bible written by).And U born a lotta awesome artists,schientists who we know.Sir(lol) Paul said "Ukraine girls really knock me out".Maybe they r attracive,but I pray U don't be deceived and fallen.
U are not u were.Don't back in[2] the U.S.S.R.

Dear USA,
I wanna U r still cool like a Brad Pitt.Y U bind the other countries with force,nevertheless U broken the binding chains -I like 'Alice in chains'- on 1776.U don't seem ripe man.U change menace into conversation,if U r guardian.
No countries r an advanced nation.All countries need 2 develop espesially at morals,mentality.
U(We) walk in other nations shoes.Who lack of the kindness is no respectable.
I hope U go back 2 the 'Good Old America' at spirit.I don't know what is it in detail.

'Inter arma silent musae' is past.I alter it.'Inter arma scream PsyTrance musae'.
    Sincerely yours,

Unnamed Psychologist,Philosophist and etc. from Far East Japan.